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5 simple tips to craft daily routines that bring a little more peace & balance to your day

A Pattern for Success

For a great many people, daily life can feel completely overwhelming. If you’re one of the millions of Americans that wake up feeling harried and already behind most days, you probably understand the dreaded phenomenon of morning anxiety. Even before you’ve turned on the coffee pot, the day ahead looks impossible with too many pressures, tasks, and responsibilities. There doesn’t seem to be any time for snatches of rest or leisure and you can’t imagine actually taking time to care for yourself. But even if this is your experience most days of the week, you may find that the key to creating space, joy, and a little more control over your life lies in building a simple routine for your day. And even if you already consider yourself a planner, you may need to simply rehaul your current routine and find a better one for a new season of life.

Let’s Schedule That

The beautiful thing about routines is that they’re personal. No one can tell you exactly what will work best for you as you’re building patterns into your day, but some tips can help you customize a lifestyle that works for you, gives you the habits you need to thrive, and builds in space for rest and pleasure. 

1. Write it out

Think about what the constants that you absolutely must accomplish each day and jot it all down – all of it. Start with the moment you wake up every morning. Do you need to lay in bed and take a few deep breaths before setting your feet on the ground? Write it down. Do you feed the dogs before or after you start brewing coffee? Write it down. Allow enough time to start your day at a slower pace. Then think about what you can multitask. Listen to an encouraging podcast while you put on your makeup. Read while you’re sipping coffee on the patio. Take a few centering breaths or say a prayer while you’re waiting for your shower to heat up. Thinking ahead about these activities will give you room to do them while not letting too much time slip through your fingers.

2. Reconsider your bedtime

It can be sooo tempting to go to bed too late…especially if you have a demanding job or children at home. The daylight hours can feel completely given over to responsibilities, and once the house is quiet or the office is closed, you may feel that the last remaining hours of the day are sacred for you. But the truth is, American adults typically don’t get enough sleep, and we all know the harms of that: a weakened immune system, depression, anxiety, and a further cycle of feeling like there’s never enough energy to accomplish all that must be done. Start small. Try an earlier bedtime of 30 minutes. The sleep you get will actually give you more joy for things that you must do and want to do everyday.

3. Exercise

“Your life is made up of moments, and giving yourself more good moments that spark joy is worth the effort!”

If you already feel like there are not enough hours in the day, you probably roll your eyes when someone suggests adding movement to your routine, but establishing healthy habits for your body changes your mental game! Think about what you can trade for 30 minutes of exercise three times a week. Invite a friend on a walk or conduct a business call during a stroll. You don’t always have to be 100% focused on a workout for it to do your body some good.

4. Check yourself

Chances are, there are activities stealing valuable time from your daily routine. Consider downloading an app to help you curb scrolling on social media. We love ClearSpace for a free way to limit one social media platform (add extras for a small subscription fee). Having to think intentionally about what you log onto and when, helps you manage the time you’re wasting on socials. 

5. Choose something new

As you’re creating a new routine, start small and keep two simple goals: 1. Efficiency and 2. Joy. Try adding in a rhythm you know you’ll enjoy to keep you dedicated and happy. For example, if you want to spend more time in the garden, build in 10 minutes a day for getting your hands in the dirt, watering, or pruning. If you wish you had more time to read, make that a priority at a time of day when you usually feel exhausted or anxious. 

We’ve all heard that habits take 30 days to set in. Actually, they typically take 66 days…and for others, they can take up to 9 months! So give yourself plenty of time to practice and perfect your new daily routines. There will be days when everything goes awry. No big deal! Give yourself loads of grace when life gets “lifey” and try again tomorrow. Your life is made up of moments, and giving yourself more good moments that spark joy is worth the effort!

Put It Into Practice

Consider a different start to your evenings.


Typically, early evenings can be angsty for families. Everyone is getting home, dinner has to be prepped, the evening chores loom ahead. Instead of getting wrapped up in all of the ‘to-dos’, light a candle, pour some sparkling water, and give yourself a few minutes to read a novel. Make your new early evening habit relaxing, then continue the evening chores from a place of rest instead of a place of anxiety. It may take some time, but eventually your body will be cued that early evening is a good time of day.

Other Interesting Reads about Healthy Habits

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Verified Reliable Sources for the Content in This Article:
Planning your routine via Mental Health America